Saturday, May 3, 2014


LIFE RE-SEARCH: by West - East To Stop Extinction of Insane Human Race ~ the Ultimate-in-Health-Care =White Paper=by Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD

Problem: Insanity
       Outcome: Annihilation
                               Solution : Life_Re-Search West-East
  Outcome: New Race

Present Human Civilization (if - it may be called -civilized) at its epitome has ONLY two future possibilities:
(1)Extinction through a catastrophe, mostly man-made,
mostly Nuclear Holocaust !!!
(2)Evolution to a higher species Homosapiens Transcendence from the present one-Homosapiens homosapiens.
The obvious course Planet Earth is taking is the first- Extinction. Modern Human: power-driven, focused on futuristic, ambitious goals has forgotten the art of living!
Wars have always been fought, since the beginning of Life; from Microbes to Man .But, there cannot be a Third World War, because this Planet cannot last the present nuclear- arsenal’s –combined-mushroom –cloud - furnace. Also, bio-eco-terrorism is a distinct possibility, on the cards. Modern Human race of the last recorded 10,000 years has been driven, by an ambitious mind; into being clever, cunning and deceiving itself-its own survival, at this stage.
A global suicide countdown has begun; and will happen; unless aborted .

LIFE remains UNKNOWN to any of us
Because the Time had not arrived for Global Consciousness to reach this nadir of Insanity-when the last straw will break the camels back-when the survival of the species is at stake; when the Evolution to a higher plane is available.

Do our Leaders know Life-Who they are?
Does the President of USA-the Numero Uno Human Being of Planet Earth know who he is? Answer is: No!

A Human has a Body and a Mind.
The Body is the external manifestation of the Mind; and the Mind is the Internal manifestation of the Body. Or, the Mind is the unseen Body; and the Body the seen Mind. They are linked-interwoven-east knows-west does not.
The Body has been analyzed at the matter level, in depth (not Energy levels) by the Western world.
What about the Mind? Even Sigmund Freud did not know his Mind- forget the rest!
Mind is the cause of the Insanity.
And, has to be discovered as to what it is, where it is, to find a solution to stop this slow poisoning happening to our civilization. Mind can be defined as a bunch of thoughts. A thought is an energy phenomenon .EEG of the brain gives a graph of how the hardware of the brain works. But to date, nobody understands what the software –mind- is or where it is located including Nobel laureates.
Life is a Verb – not a noun.Eg: River should be `rivering`-as it flows; walk-should be `walking` as one if he stops cannot be called walking-but will be called standing.

World Health Organization (WHO) is WRONG – in its HEALTH DEFINITION!
`Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity`.
The Definition has not been amended since 1948, after getting it wrong prima facie in 1946 by JUST 3 persons; representing Planet Earth.

Who knows what the Mind is? No one knows !!!
–WHO inclusive !
~` Mental` is the adjective of the noun `Mind`.
Noone knows, what the Mind IS - from the Western Hemisphere; from Allopathic, modern medicine to Aristotelian Philosophy to Euclidean Geometry, to Einstein’s Space-Time- warp-Relativity- theory- Physics, to Darwin’s theory, to present Hawking, to the Nobel laureates club etc.

East knows. But is not interested in proving it .It is a subjective science in the East.

This Civilization does not know `How to Live? `
When the WHO defines Health wrongly, its corollary is that this world does not know how to live correctly; as its nodal agency cannot define itself .WHO contains in the center ,the word` Health` and it cannot define Health correctly.
There is something terribly wrong
with OUR system
Let’s FACE IT.

We are Insane !!! :-)
to mildly place it -We accept things without question & the greatest blunders are in front of our eyes ! NOT knowing that
Health is WRONGLY DEFINED; and NoOne notices it !!!
This IMPLIES absolute Idiocy about our Race.We are missing not the Bus ! but Life itself !
despite the android cellphones & Internet !

Importance to Unimportant things & MISSING THE IMPORTANT ONES !!!

Unless world leaders CHANGE; unless they risk venturing on a bold experiment of producing a paradigm shift in human existence through a global research on life ;unless the dimension of NO-MIND is reached; unless this human race is removed from the shackles of a pre fabricated, out-of-date, non-contemporary value system of a dead past. We are sure to die a death as a race. There is no point in blaming the other-political, religious, social leaders; as they are one amongst us. We must be the change-only 100 humans are required-maximum-only 100-to change this 7 billion human race.

People want a comfortable lie, than an adventurous truth!
Hence, they venture not as adventurers in Life; but, are scared of Life, AND Humans want a lie; a false life-compromised in toto; than a real, uncompromised, integral truth; because, this change will make them face uncertainty, insecurity-they are scared shit! Not knowing that this is not Uncertainty but Freedom; not Insecurity but Adventure!

Definition of Homosapiens Transcendence
A Human who is living IN-TUNE with Existence! Homo sapiens sapiens is present man, meaning `Wise Man`-is a misnomer.-has unfortunately become the `Idiotic man`.

100 Humans can transform this ~ 7 billion strong Race! ARE YOU ONE AMONG THEM?
It took One Alexander the Great at the age of 32, to conquer the world. Hitler nearly did it about 65 years ago. So it’s a factual reality. Only, this will happen because of a select group of people whose Consciousness has evolved to a synthesis of polarities-West-East. Once the discovery happens, then the masses will follow the leaders.
Remember this: Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, AdiShankaracharya, and Marx control the lives of ~ 75% of the world -religiously!
Socrates, Pythogaras, Sushrutha, Galileo, Eucllides, Newton, Darwin, Edison, Einstein control ~ 75% of this scientific world!

Bottom Line: Leaders transform Humanity.
is the only way to prevent this
Human extinction

West, East; Synthesis of its jewels-the Western Science & Eastern Mystic Yoga (defined as the Science of the Inner-Self) =NOT -Religious; not to be confused with Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or any ism;
What will happen by WEDS? A Global Revolution!
Hereto unheard of, when human beings will live in tune with existence, in harmony. Life will be bliss!
Life research is needed by both the by West +East (WE).
The mind has crossed frontiers of knowledge, from Galileo to Einstein, to give us Star-Wars/Nano-technology & stem cells etc. But, still a mind driven society is leading us to a path of destruction. Terrorism is at its nadir – state and religious.
Great scientists like Hawking or Einstein, have done path-breaking objective scientific discoveries .And, great eastern Mystics like Ramana Maharishi, Vedic Rishis have known the formula of Life subjectively, scientifically. But as Twain said` West and East shall never meet`. They have not, yet .And they should meet and DISSOLVE-SYNTHESIZE the differentiation of West East. Scientists and Mystics should form One whole Humanity-for survival sake.

Form WEDS Consortium Western Technology experimenting with Eastern Mysticism
ReSearch between Western Scientists & Eastern Mystics, brought together by Leaders who straddle both the divide. A WE consortium with a timeline eg: May 2013 midnight; with members, committees, action groups etc.
E=mc will experiment with cyclotrons –CERN-, the Vedic truths of Dharma-the eternal laws of this Universe.

WEDS Consortium
Energy channels of Humans already mapped in India will be discovered for the first time in Human History; for a start. How? Quantum Physicists will team with Eastern Mystics in brainstorming this. It is simple & mind-boggling. Why? The esoteric formula is simple; but was kept as a secret doctrine; now the Time has come for this simple truth to be globalized.
The greatest ever scientific Discovery of Modern Human
Civilization surpassing, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Edison, Einstein, Hawking. This will beget the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, and Medicine & Physiology & Peace!
This effort is not focused on the Nobel Prize; but, on taking the next step in the Evolution of this UNIVERSE! The aim is not money or power .The aim is innate & unfolding from within ,this Human race’s Consciousness!

Human thought will be mapped
& the Human Race will switch mode in a paradigm shift of Human Mind-consciousness to a different Dimension of living. Mass Global Suicide which Is unfolding at a slow rate will be stopped .The birth of a New Human race will herald the Homosapiens Transcendence .This will be paradise regained
Peace, Love & Harmony will be its name, ultimately. Well said; but, is it going to be a difficult task, if one does not understand its significance? & child’s play, if one, for a second; catches the meaning, of the import, of the statements discussed here in this white paper!
West & East are arbitrary states of Human Consciousness & not geographical or religious divisions
Select the elite of East (avoid marketing Gurus from the East) & West which will be mostly only nobel laureates of all fields.

Eastern Yoga 5000 years ago has identified Energy centers of the Human Body-in the name of Kundalini.It contains 3 channels and 7 centers. The diagramn depicts the said formulae.It is experiential and has been verified by Yogis millenias ago..
Yet more hidden sectors of Energy forms await to be discovered. mainly the Mind.

Patanjali was one of India’s greatest sages who wrote a 192 sutras (aphorisms) treatise on Yoga – the greatest ever written till date. Yoga defined as `Chittavrittinirodha`-translates as Yoga is the cessation of mind.
As Yoga ab initio is a Scientific Treatise of the Art of Living! YOGA IS NOT RELIGION -it is an individual’s travel to reach his True-self, beyond his Body-Mind complex.And in doing so,elevates the consciousness of those around and the Planet. It is- going beyond the polarity of East-West; transcending nations, race, creed; becoming one organic unity.
MIND can be either the source of bondage or the source of freedom. Mind becomes the gate for this world, the entry; it can also become the exit. Mind leads you to hell; mind can lead you also to heaven. So it depends on how the mind is used. Right use of the mind becomes meditation; wrong use of the mind becomes madness.

REMEMBER: We do not have a Mind; the Mind has us!
When he or she has only action, without thought. When the Mind does not run us, but remains our servant

Relativity: Einstein (1905) discovered that the amount of energy is directly proportional to the mass of body:
E = mc, where
m is the mass, c is the speed of light in vacuum, E is the rest mass energy.
E=mc Matter=ENERGY
WE need to find THIS missing link
in the Energy Spectrum.

Energy: In physics, energy is a quantity that can be assigned to every particle, object, and system of objects as a consequence of the state of that particle, object or system of objects. Different forms of energy include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, elastic, light, and electromagnetic energy
Matter is a general term for the substance of which all physical objects are made. Current definition of matter is anything that has mass and occupies volume.
In light of quantum mechanics, where the concept of "having mass” and "occupying space" are not as well-defined as in everyday life, this needs revision
Ordinary matter, in the quarks and leptons definition, constitutes about 4% of the energy of the observable universe. The remaining energy is theorized to be due to exotic forms, of which 23% is dark matter[and 73% is dark energy.
In physics, fundamental interactions (fundamental forces) are the ways that the simplest particles in the universe interact with one another. An interaction is fundamental when it cannot be described in terms of other interactions. The four known fundamental interactions are electromagnetism, strong interaction, weak interaction (also known as "strong" and "weak nuclear force") and gravitation

Is it inside the Electromagnetic Spectra undiscovered?
Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, is the force that causes the interaction between electrically charged particles; the areas in which this happens are called electromagnetic fields.Electromagnetism is the force responsible for practically all the phenomena encountered in daily life (with the exception of gravity
Basic overview of energy and human life.
Any living organism relies on an external source of energy—radiation from the Sun in the case of green plants; chemical energy in some form in the case of animals—to be able to grow and reproduce. The daily 1500–2000 Calories (6–8 MJ) recommended for a human adult are taken as a combination of oxygen and food molecules. The food molecules are oxidised to carbon dioxide and water in the mitochondriaand some of the energy is used to convert ADP into ATP
The rest of the chemical energy in the carbohydrate or fat is converted into heat: the ATP is used as a sort of "energy currency", and some of the chemical energy it contains when split and reacted with water, is used for other metabolism

What India says is –BEYOND-afore-mentioned WESTERN Scientific laws of Relativity, Quantum Physics.
Let’s take an easily understandable example. Truth is simple.
In Diabetes Mellitus,<Insulin is released into the blood by beta cells (β-cells), found in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, in response to rising levels of blood glucose, typically after eating>.Western Allopathic Medical Science says the organ – Pancreas is affected at its cellular level – the Beta islet of Langerhan cells producing less insulin.
What India says is – even before the pancreatic cell is diseased at the matter level – it’s-yet-to-be-discovered energy counterpart (let’s call it funna) is disturbed. So, years before a person gets Disease, his funna energy at the pancreas will be maligned. If we can discover these funna energy channels (remember E=mc2) (energy and matter are the same); instead of addressing the electron microscope cell pathology and cure for it – we will address energy imbalance and correct it. Wait, this is not Reiki. It is the Ultimate theory of the Ancient East. Energy and mass are interwoven . They are like Dancer -Dance!
This Research (read: WEDS, pg: 6&7) will target mapping of Human Energy levels. It will map not the genome (which is now far - elementary level research) but the energy from where a cell is created. Follow me? From Energy a cell is created and in disease it is altered. When we can identify the energy imbalance which alters the cell matter – we tackle the Root cause of Disease. 

Human Mind will be mapped
The off shoot of this Research will be that the Human Mind will be mapped – beyond genome (it is still at matter level). Once a mind is known the Life is understood. Insanity’s transcended. Heaven is here-now in the present.
This can happen ONLY at the West’s Laboratory .East is poor in this. Some examples: Harvard, Caltech, MIT, Columbia, Cambridge and for Physics alone : Stanford, Princeton ,California, CERN, IBM Zurich ,Lebedev etc. But, USA will have to be the center
Einstein & Eastern yoga

Einstein like Galileo changed the concept of the universe. Galileo & Copernicus discovered that the Earth moved around the sun & not vice versa; they hit the first nail on the bible. Einstein revolted against Newtonian physics & Euclidean geometry of constant time and stated time is relative; and exists in a fourth-dimension of space-time. In 1905, the special theory of relativity was born.
Eastern yoga has said these truths 5000 years ago through its vedic sages and mystics. The concept of energy in potential and kinetic form was conceived in a figurative Shiva-Parvati couple for the Indian masses; but Vedic rishis understood Energy Phenomenon.

Sigmund Freud died not knowing what the mind was.
The famous Einstein equation of E=mc states that energy and mass are the same & convertible. Matter has been well researched by the west, because it is objective. But Mind or in other words ,human in the energy form has not been touched upon by the west. 

East has written treatises on it. A simple example is a small 50 page booklet called Vivekachudamani by Adi Shankaracharya,1000 years age ago; says the Vedic truths at its best, more than any medical ,psychological western book (remember: this author is a western allopathic doctor).
So having had material (read matter) success, the world has forgotten about the energy component of its existence. Light as VIBGYOR, Ultraviolet & infra red and cosmic rays have been discovered by our great physicist.

But why has thought / mind not been discovered?
Quantum Physics is floundering at the threshold of Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty, to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Observer Effect; when even electrons change direction when a conscious observer watches it!
It will unravel the `Theory of Everything`; what Stephen Hawking says about the String theory, or the Multiverse theory, or finding God’s particle-the higgs boson etc.
The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted (1964) to, and attempts are being made to confirm the existence of the particle by experimentation, using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

India has the Answer [s] ! 





Control Planet’s Consciousness

1) Medical-Healthcare will get a paradigm shift – into what can be called at this stage `ENERGY MEDICINE`. This will be beyond the frontiers of Stem Cells, Nanotechnology, Cloning, Biotechnology etc- a beyond-the-horizon target.

2) World Peace – as Human MIND-Thought will be mapped and a peaceful methodology of Human Consciousness created

3) New Human Race: Homosapiens Transcendence- probably may turn out to be the best Race in the entire Universe-with all its billion galaxies and trillions of starts & plenitude of habitable planets

IF YOU would like to:
Walk without Feet, Fly without Wings, and Think without Mind!
Snap your fingers, Slap your face and Wake Up!
Believing in the Impossible before Breakfast!
Let US begin the Journey from
Here to Here !!!

In places the author has used words of Mystics-which carry a power unto themselves; without quoting them, lest the purpose of this paper be prejudiced; and hence, may NOT amount to plagiarism; as all mystics words are the Cosmos`; and not for any personal gain.

The author is :
from India-Chennai
A Medical Doctor: a Senior Consultant in Respiratory Medicine [Pulmonologist]
at Apollo Hospitals Group, Chennai, India - one of the world’s leading Corporate Hospital Group.
His goal is International Scientific Research, bridging the technically-competent-West and spiritually-wise-East; not to be confused with saffron-clad-himalayan (or spirituality-selling)-based –religiosity .
;-) Hope you enjoyed it !!!
Please tell me what YOU THINK.

Also, this paper-work has been done personally by the Author, with his limited computer knowledge and hence, errors in the paper of that kind may be viewed in that context